How to Do Landmine Rows


The landmine row is a versatile and effective strength training exercise that targets the muscles of the upper back, including the lats, traps, and rhomboids. It is a compound movement that can help improve strength, posture, and overall upper body development.

Here you will know:

  • What is a Landmine Row
  • How to Do Landmine Rows
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid
  • Benefits of the Landmine Row
  • Landmine Rows Muscles Worked
  • Landmine Rows Vs Barbell Row
  • 7 Landmine Row Alternatives
  • 5 Landmine Row Variations
  • Incorporating the Landmine Row into Your Routine


What is a Landmine Row?

The landmine row, also known as the T-bar row, is a resistance training exercise that involves lifting a weighted barbell attached to the landmine apparatus. This apparatus typically consists of a pivot point, which allows the lifter to perform a rowing motion with added resistance.

How to Do Landmine Rows?

How to Do Landmine Rows


To perform the landmine row correctly and maximize its benefits while minimizing the risk of injury, follow these steps:

Setup: Place one end of a barbell bar into the landmine attachment or secure it in a corner. Load the opposite end of the barbell with weight plates. Position the barbell at hip height.

Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the end of the barbell. Keep your knees slightly bent and maintain a straight back.

Grip: Bend at your hips and knees to reach down and grip the barbell's free end with both hands, using an overhand grip (palms facing your body).

Execution: Keeping your back straight and chest up, exhale as you pull the barbell towards your torso by driving your elbows back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.

Lowering: Inhale as you lower the barbell back to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the entire range of motion.

Repetition: Perform the desired number of repetitions, ensuring proper form and a full range of motion.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Using Momentum

Avoid using your body's momentum to lift the weight. Focus on controlled and deliberate movements.

Rounding the Back

Maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise. Do not round your back or hunch your shoulders forward.

Incomplete Range of Motion

Ensure that you fully extend your arms during the lowering phase and contract your back muscles during the lifting phase.

Incorrect Grip

Use an overhand grip with your palms facing your body to engage your upper back effectively.

Benefits of the Landmine Row


Incorporating the landmine row into your workout routine can yield numerous benefits, including:

1.Improved Upper Back Strength

The landmine row primarily targets the upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi (lats), trapezius (traps), and rhomboids. This can lead to significant improvements in upper body strength and muscle development.

2.Enhanced Posture

Strengthening the muscles responsible for maintaining proper posture can help prevent rounded shoulders and slouching. The landmine row can contribute to better posture and reduced risk of back pain.


The landmine row can be adapted and modified in various ways to target different areas of the upper back. It offers versatility in training, allowing you to focus on specific muscle groups.

4.Reduced Risk of Imbalances

Including exercises like the landmine row in your routine can help prevent muscle imbalances between the chest and back, which can occur if you primarily focus on chest exercises.

5.Core Engagement

Maintaining a stable core while performing the landmine row is essential. This exercise engages the core muscles, contributing to improved core strength and stability.

Landmine Rows Muscles Worked

The landmine row is a compound exercise that engages multiple muscle groups in the upper body.

Landmine Rows Muscles Worked

1.Latissimus Dorsi (Lats)

The lats are the largest muscles in the upper back, responsible for the V-shape appearance. They play a significant role in the pulling motion of the landmine row.

2.Trapezius (Traps)

The traps are a broad set of muscles that run down the back of the neck and spine. They help control and stabilize the shoulder blades during the rowing motion.


The rhomboids are located between the shoulder blades and play a crucial role in scapular retraction, which occurs during the rowing motion.

4.Posterior Deltoids

The rear deltoids, located at the back of the shoulders, are also engaged during the landmine row, contributing to shoulder stability and strength.


The biceps brachii, located in the front of the upper arm, act as synergists in the rowing movement, assisting the primary muscles.

Landmine Rows Vs Barbell Row

Barbell Row Vs Barbell Row


Landmine rows and barbell rows are both effective exercises for targeting the muscles in the upper back, but they have some key differences in terms of form, range of motion, and muscle engagement.

Landmine Rows:

Range of Motion: Landmine rows typically have a more limited range of motion compared to barbell rows. The motion is somewhat fixed as the barbell moves in an arc around the landmine attachment or in a corner. This can be advantageous for people with lower back issues or those looking to isolate the upper back more effectively.

Form and Stability: Landmine rows can be easier for beginners or those with limited stability because they provide a fixed pivot point. This can help maintain a more upright torso and reduce the risk of using improper form. 

Muscle Engagement: Landmine rows primarily target the lats, rhomboids, rear deltoids, and biceps. They are effective for isolating the upper back and promoting scapular retraction.

Variations: Landmine rows offer some versatility. You can perform them in a standing or kneeling position, using various grips, such as a single-arm row or a T-bar row handle.

Barbell Rows


Barbell Rows:

Range of Motion: Barbell rows offer a more extensive range of motion, allowing you to pull the barbell from the ground to your lower ribcage or upper abdomen. This can engage a broader range of muscles, including the lower back and hips.

Form and Stability: Barbell rows require more core and lower back stability because you need to maintain a bent-over position. This can make them more challenging and require better form to avoid strain.

Muscle Engagement: Barbell rows engage a wider range of muscles, including the lats, rhomboids, rear deltoids, traps, lower back, and even the hips and hamstrings. They are considered a compound exercise because they work multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Variations: Barbell rows can be performed using different grips, such as overhand (pronated) or underhand (supinated), and with variations like the Pendlay row, Yates row, or T-bar row.

Which One to Choose:

The choice between landmine rows and barbell rows depends on your goals, experience level, and any physical limitations:

Landmine Rows: These are excellent for isolating the upper back and for beginners looking to develop good pulling form. They can also be beneficial for those with lower back issues.

Barbell Rows: These are great for overall upper body development and building strength. They engage more muscles and can be part of a comprehensive strength training routine.

Incorporating both exercises into your training program can provide a balanced approach to upper back development. You can use landmine rows to target specific areas and work on form before progressing to the more challenging barbell rows for overall muscle engagement.

7 Landmine Row Alternatives

1.Bent-Over Barbell Row

Bent-Over Barbell Row


Target Muscles: Lats, rhomboids, traps, rear deltoids, biceps

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend at the hips, and grasp a barbell with an overhand grip.
  • Keep your back straight and pull the barbell towards your lower ribcage while squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Lower the barbell back to the starting position with control.

2.Seated Cable Row

Seated Cable Row


Target Muscles: Lats, rhomboids, traps, biceps

  • Sit at a cable row machine with your feet braced against the footrests, knees slightly bent.
  • Grasp the cable attachment with a neutral grip and pull it towards your abdomen while keeping your back straight.
  • Slowly release the weight back to the starting position.

3.Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell Rows


Target Muscles: Lats, rhomboids, traps, rear deltoids, biceps

  • Place one knee and hand on a bench, keeping your back parallel to the ground.
  • Hold a dumbbell in your free hand and pull it towards your hip while squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Lower the dumbbell back to the starting position under control.

4.Meadows Row

Meadows Row


Target Muscles: Lats, rhomboids, traps, biceps

  • Set up a barbell with one end in a landmine attachment or securely in a corner.
  • Stand perpendicular to the barbell, bend at the hips, and grasp it with an overhand grip.
  • Pull the barbell up and towards your hip, keeping your back straight.
  • Lower the barbell back to the starting position.

5.Chest-Supported T-Bar Row

Chest-Supported T-Bar Row


Target Muscles: Lats, rhomboids, traps, rear deltoids, biceps

  • Lie face down on an incline bench with your chest and upper body supported.
  • Grasp a T-bar attachment with an overhand grip and pull it towards your lower ribcage.
  • Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.

6.Face Pulls

Face Pulls


Target Muscles: Rear deltoids, traps, rhomboids

Attach a rope or a handle to a cable machine at chest height.

Stand facing the machine, grab the handle, and pull it towards your face while squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Control the return of the handle to the starting position.




Target Muscles: Lats, rhomboids, traps, biceps

  • Use an overhead bar and an overhand (pull-up) or underhand (chin-up) grip.
  • Hang from the bar and pull your body up towards it, leading with your chest.
  • Lower yourself back down with control.

Remember to maintain proper form and technique for each exercise to maximize their effectiveness and reduce the risk of injury. Incorporating these alternatives into your workout routine can help you diversify your back training and achieve well-rounded upper body development.

5 Landmine Row Variations

To keep your workouts challenging and avoid plateaus, consider incorporating these landmine row variations:

1.Single-Arm Landmine Row

Single-Arm Landmine Row

Perform the landmine row with one arm at a time to isolate each side of the upper back. This can help identify and correct any strength imbalances.

2.Landmine Meadows Row

Stand perpendicular to the barbell and row it upward, similar to the traditional meadows row. This variation targets the lats from a different angle.

3.Landmine T-Bar Row

Use a V-handle attachment to mimic the T-bar row machine. This variation provides a different grip and muscle activation compared to the standard landmine row.

4.Landmine Row to Press

After completing a row, transition into a shoulder press by lifting the barbell overhead. This combination exercise engages both the upper back and shoulders.

5.Landmine 180 Rows

Rotate your body 180 degrees between each rowing motion. This variation challenges your core and stability while working the upper back.

Incorporating the Landmine Row into Your Routine

To reap the full benefits of the landmine row, incorporate it into your upper body or back training routine. Aim for 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions, adjusting the weight and repetitions based on your fitness level and goals. Ensure that you maintain proper form and focus on controlled movements throughout the exercise.

In conclusion, the landmine row is a highly effective exercise for developing upper back strength, improving posture, and preventing muscle imbalances. By mastering this exercise and its variations, you can enhance your upper body training and overall fitness.

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